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Something’s not right

Re: No Not Again

Thank you @Zahlia @Snowie  for being here. I appreciate it so much. Loneliness is hard to deal with. You have lots of time to be inside your head. That's the toughest thing for me. To not be so much in my head. I am just too tired to try and distract my mind away from the thoughts. 

Re: No Not Again

Always here @Lee82 

You are doing so well so far, the weekend is half over too. You are stronger than you think Heart

Re: No Not Again

Wish I could believe that @Zahlia 

Re: No Not Again

You are stronger than you think @Lee82 

You have shown the strength to continue even when things are extremely hard.

Go easy on yourself hun. Distracting ourselves is tiring and hard work, you are doing the very best you can.


Re: No Not Again

It just hurts somuch @Snowie . I feel it in my chest. The pain won't go away. My thoughts in my head are so loud. I want them to stop. How can I make them stop? I feel really sick like I want to throw up. My body is hot but I am shivering. My finges are tingling and numb. I feel like I am on the edge of a panic attack. 

Re: No Not Again

Hi there @Lee82 , 


I am moderating the forum at the moment and I have just sent you an email. 

I'm really glad you have been open about how you're feeling.


Warm regards, 



Re: No Not Again

Try and take some long deep breaths @Lee82 

Use your 5 senses, notice things you can see, hear, feel, touch, smell.

Can you listen to a mindfullness - smiling mind or you tube - or even do a progressive muscle relaxation.

Touch something or hug something tightly. Smell it, feel the warmth in it, feel the texture on your face.

Have a cup of tea. Immerse yourself in it. What it tastes like, the warmth in your mouth and down your throat, the smell, the warmth in your hands.

Just concentrate on one small thing at a time 💖

Re: No Not Again

Hi @Snowie  I'm so sorry about before. I just needed a break for a while. Thank you for your suggestions  I was able to use some of those. They were very helpful. 💗

Re: No Not Again

@Lee82no need to apologise, you need to do what is right for you. I'm gald some of those things helped.


Re: No Not Again

The focusing on what's around the room and trying to use all my senses really helped to ground me. How are you doing tonight @Snowie

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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