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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

does ice cream enter the equation @fluffylight ?? 

I mixed medicine when I wasn't supposed to. Reckless, I know... I'd just rather be numb for a little if I can

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi everyone! Tonight is my first time on the forums as a SANE peer guide, and I am already so inspired by the courage you all have for sharing your stories, and the wonderful comments that people are leaving for each other. Keep up the great work and keep reaching out if you need to. This is certainly a safe space for you. πŸŒΉ

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @Kyle1
Ice cream is definitely self care πŸ™‚

Mixing medicine not so much πŸ˜• I hope you feel alright. If you start to feel off please call one of the helplines - nurse on call/poisons hotline/000

Goodnight and take lots of care of yourself!
fluffylight x

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @fluffylight nice to meet you and thanks for your offer of support.

you know one thing I’ve learnt just by being on this forum for 24hrs, there are a lot of people out there that are a lot worse off than me.

My anxiety is intermittent as are the bouts of depression, but as time moves on it is becoming more frequent and duration of the feelings longer.

Reading that a lot of people out there are dealing with their issues on a daily basis with no break from the torment really saddens me and gives me a feeling that I want to help all of them and that maybe I’m lucky.

Reaching out to sane was due to this time I had feelings of panic, which I’d never had before and the feeling lasted 2 days and then has slowly disappeared, and am feeling quite in control today.

Again thankyou for your support.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Good morning y'all,


Was suggested this site by my former community living support team, recently exited their program so I thought it would be a good time to finally reach out.


A bit about me, I'm an undergraduate student studying a b.a. of information studies, so library and archives type stuff. Diagnosed with C-PTSD as my primary diagnosis a good 5 years back.


Keen to be a new part of this community πŸ™‚


Safe travels,



Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hey there! @starpanda 


And welcome to the SANE Forums! 


My name is Amber22 and I am a Peer Support Worker here at SANE. Feel free to reach out with any questions or queries at all. 


I am so glad you've joined, I can't wait to chat some more πŸ™‚ 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hello @fluffylight @V8junkie welcomes

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚



I have just joined and thought I’d introduce myself here. 

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia about six years ago. I’m on meds for my schizophrenia and apparently always will be. 


I work full time and love walking places that are pretty, like the beach and along the river. 


Thanks for a place to talk.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi there @Ruby1102 ,


Welcome to the forums! Thank you for sharing a little about yourself. We are so glad you have found our forums.


It sounds like being in the open, in nature, is something you are drawn to. I love beaches. I find them so therapeutic. 


How do you find managing full time work and your mental health?

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here πŸ™‚

Hi @starpanda @V8junkie ,


How are you? Are there particular things you are interested in so we can direct you to those threads?