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Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  i wouldnt even know what to chat about. 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 just anything really! I do enjoy some hearty getting-to-know-you banter. Liiiike... what's your fav type of landscape? Like mountains, or rainforest, or beach, where would you wanna be the most? 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  um idk i like rain forests and mountains anywhere with trees and shade from the sun is good. what about you?

Re: TW eating disorder

Oh we're the same @Eden1919!! I love the mountains, the rainforest, especially when it's all misty and cool. And the wildlife is always so cool in rainforests too! 


Also sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I've been away on leave! How have you been going lately? 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  yeah mountains a great the only issue i have with them or anywhere outdoors is the bugs i hate bugs specifically mosquitoes and i dont like flys either. 

i havent been great my eating has been terrible and making me want to cry all the time so that isnt good. did you have a good time on leave? 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 oh yeah mozzies and flies are the worst!! I like some bugs, but only when I can sit and watch them, not when they're crawling on me! Mainly like, dragonflies and stick insects, they're so cool!


Aww hun, that's so rough. I hope that you do end up getting a chance to cry it all out - always helps me to just have a good sob sometimes. I think I'm overdue for one actually! 


My leave was pretty good, I needed it I think. Always helps to shake things up, get out of the city and enjoy some nature. 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  yeah dragonflies are kinda cute and butterflies are cool too. i am glad your leave was good.


i am still struggling with my eating and idk what to do anymore i have almost completely given up. anyway it doesnt help that i am not sleeping and in a lot of physical pain from my back. 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 what's your fav animal(s)? Also, if you could transform into any animal, what would it be? 


That's super rough darlin, sounds like everything is wearing really heavy on you at the moment. Physical pain especially, makes everything else that much harder! Wish I could make it better for you darlin. I am sending you a big pile of hugs though, super squishy ones 💜🫂

Re: TW eating disorder

@Jynx  sorry i didnt see your post anyway my favourite animal that is a hard one i like lots of animals but i dont think i could pick a favourite. hmm as for what i would transform into either a bird like a cockatoo so i could fly or a whale so i could live in the ocean or maybe idk there are so many choices. 

Re: TW eating disorder

@Eden1919 Right?! Soooo many choices! I'd love to be a bird too - a cockatoo would be perfect for me because I also have a mohawk 😋


I also would love to be a cat, but one that lives in like, a responsible sharehouse so there's always someone around to give me treats and scritches 😻


An octopus could also be fun, soooo many arms to wiggle about!! And a nice dark cave at the bottom of the ocean to call my own 🐙


Do you like the beach? I love the beach, but mainly for the rockpools - always something cool to discover!