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Something’s not right

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

How long are you going to be about for @Former-Member  - I don’t want to cry as it might give me abit of a headache. 

tension is just building up. 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I’m usually up till around 1-1:30am, working on odds and ends (nothing urgent), while having a cuppa here and there @Fluttershy1 …would it be helpful to have me stay sit with you for a while? I’m more than willing to do that 🙂 

That’s understandable regarding crying 💜🌺


Let’s see if we can work on that tension together somehow, what do you think? 🙂

And if you feel like you start to feel unsafe at any time, you can just let me know and I can reach out for help if you need 💜🙂

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

It would be helpful if you sit with me abit @Former-Member  - I’m safe at the moment just exhausted as you could imagine, I just grabbed my weighted teddy to help me

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

You got it @Fluttershy1 🙂

Im right here, not going anywhere 🌺💜

Hold your lovely weighted teddy however it makes you feel comfort, and feel how the fur warms up and is soft and cuddly 🌺🙂

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

It’s really comforting me @Former-Member - it will probably make me fall asleep soon hehehe

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

That’s so lovely @Fluttershy1 🌺🙂

Gently does it 🙂

breathe and sigh out gently, let yourself melt into the softness of your teddy 🌺🙂

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

I am @Former-Member - slowly getting sleepy 

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

That’s lovely @Fluttershy1 💜

Peaceful, gentle breathing, soft teddy, and rest your joints and muscles🙂🌺

Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hello there @Fluttershy1 🙂🌺

Just wanted to say hi to you this morning, and kindly ask if you slept ok? 🌺💜

Wishing you a better day today 💜🙂


Re: Stuck and can’t escape it.

Hey @Former-Member - still not doing great, kind of slept ok. Just anxious, got my weighted teddy to help me through. 

wanna sit with me? 

am safe

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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