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Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Former-Member, @denial, @cheersquad, @Former-Member, @Decadian, @PeppiPatty

Hello , my hubby and i are taking time off from work

and hubby has been sleeping until 10am everyday so far , he says the meds make him sooo  tired

I can see why he says it is soo hard to wake up at 6-30am to get ready for work and why is ready for a sleep at lunch time

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!


yes medication does make you sleepy and of course different medication and different doses affect all of us differently.

Medication that has side affects of making you feel sleepy does not assist in sending me to sleep. my mind is overactive when i lay down  at night.

i have gone back to listening to flute music with sleeping tablet, antedepressant only. have cut out prn. noticing irritability but pushing through. I am a lot stronger than most people think.

i am also not fooling myself either, today is only day 3, anything could happen, i will deal with what is if and when.



Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Former-Member

soo true

my Husband took half the anti anxiety med last night , could not go to sleep until way after midnight

he also takes the anti deppressant in the mornings

how is your day looking today ??

Hubby having trouble contacting people today -- some bussiness have the week off i tell him

as for me , I have bookwork to do , my cousin has sent me things for the family reunion and I have opened the jigsaw puzzle that i told @NikNik, i would be doing ovr my break

ha ha one day at a time my friend

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Grace01, @Kiera80, @Diamond, @lostconcerned, @Karren, @Wordsmatter, @cheersquad HeartHeart

Hello @Former-Member, @denial, @cheersquad

Let`s talk , how is your day today xx

Hello @skylight, @Anne13 @ISingTheBlues  @clarke

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Grace01, @Kiera80, @Diamond, @lostconcerned, @Karren, @Wordsmatter, @cheersquad HeartHeart

Hello @mohill, @denial, @cheersquad

Let`s talk , how is your day today xx

Hello @skylight, @Anne13 @ISingTheBlues  @clarke

how is everyone today , hope everything is ok , sending you all hugs HeartHeart

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hi @Shaz51 how was yiur day today?

Trust everything is as well as can be. How is mr Shaz today? 

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @denial, I have been thiking of you today , are you ok my friend xoxo

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hi @Shaz51 and thanks for tagging me here as well.  I see its quite an old thread, which you've decided to resurrect. An oldie, but a goodie.  And deserving of being a featured thread this week.

Its actually been a pretty crap day all round for me, although I have been trying to think of positives and things I should feel grateful for.  Hence my post to the other thread you tagged me on before.

My husband's immunotherapy treatment is on hold because of the really bad side effects he's currently experiencing.  Part of his treatment to remedy these side effects (over stimulated immune system and internal organ inflamation) is steriod meds. The meds make him really angry and cause him to lash out.  And his illness and delay in treatment is making him even more depressed and angry than normal.  So its really difficult.  One thing I know is making his temper and his side effects even worse is the fact that he refuses to give up the grog. Fact is the grog is reducing the effectiveness of his treatment.  One thing leads to anyone. Very frustrating.

Lets talk! the title says.  Sorry this talk ended up being a frustrated rant.  Sigh.

Sherry Heart

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

No need to say sorry @Former-Member , sending you tender hugs my awesome friend HeartHeart

I feel so close to you , did you husband start with kidney disease first

my iron Ferritin is very very high and now i have to see a blood specialist about it

can you do something nice for your self my friend , we are here for you xoxoxoxo