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Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello everyone

How was your day today ???

mine today was mixed up , hubbywho has MI  was not feeling the best today

I am feeling weary, how about you?

Let`s talk about you day ?? xx


218 REPLIES 218

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hi @Shaz51 im going ok today. Both had the day off so went to the city to do some christmas shopping. Took a friend with us too. Heading home now for an easy night hopefully. Sorry your hubby not feeling the best. Hoping the heat lets up soon and we go back to cooler nights.

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Thank you @Former-Member xx

hope you had a lovely day my friend HeartHeart

We had the afternoon off which was what  hubby needed ,he had a sleep with the aircon on and he is now feeling a lot beter watching  Myth Busters

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Grace01, @Kiera80, @Diamond, @lostconcerned, @Karren, @Wordsmatter, @cheersquad HeartHeart

How was your day today ???

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hi @Shaz51, so good to hear from you have been slack on forums lately. Honest answer is I'm exhausted lots going on in our lives 'life happens' moments and I need support but hubby is on the verge of crashing. I can see it coming and I'm exhausted we are fighting heaps as he needs a new therapist as his old one moved and he still doesn't have one. He hasn't seen someone for months. I do not know what to do as don't have energy to pick up pieces from a escalation. Hope things are going better for you.:)

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @cheersquad, it is lovely hearing from you Smiley Very Happy

sorry to hear that you are  exhausted my friend xx

remember to look after yourself too my friend

remember we are here for you , sending you hugs HeartHeart

hubby is on the verge of crashing. I can see it coming --, yes I know what you mean , I can see it coming too and i try to make it easier but - my hubby ended up taking himself to hospital because of it last august  

.He hasn't seen someone for months. , that what happen to my hubby too ,we live 60km away from the city and he said he didn`t want to go to the rural mental health , he wanted to stay with the city one  but no one listened

so now  it has been about a year now since we heard from anyone , so hubby just takes his meds and goes on day to day

I think he would have to go through the whole thing again


Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Lily, @kdoll, @Megan, @Treebranch

how was your day today ??

my day was very quiet , doing things around the house, getting things ready for a family reunion next year ,

we have a lizard in the house but can`t find him but we can see where he has been

hope you are ok , HeartHeart


Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @cheersquad

how is are you  today xx hope you hubby is ok xx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Today was much better thanks @Shaz51. I lost it in Tuesday but it may have been the trick that was needed. Appointment for next week made. I feel slightly relieved as a result hopefully between now and then is uneventful. What about you how was your day?

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello Everyone xx

That`s good @cheersquad xx, sending hugs for today and to @Former-Member and @southerncross xx

Today is starting ok today , Hubby is feeling very tired in the mornings , he said he loves to stay in bed until 10am @Former-Member xx

well we have had a visitor in the house , could see where he was but could not find him until last night

see what happens today , one step at a time my friends , take care, talk to you soon

and remember we are all here for each other , love to hear from everyone on the forum HeartHeartHeartHeart


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