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Re: Far and Away

Hi @Zoe7 🦋♥️

How are you doing ?  Love the image you have posted ……

unpacking and sorting is happening, slowly but surely, but not sleeping so well at the mo.  Being patient with myself as emotions are still roller coasting.  Finding things to be grateful for though, and there is a lot.

Baby dragons have been sick, but not too grouchy about it, and far more mindful about it when they are, apologising for shortness and push back, which is all progress 👍


@Snowie @Emelia8 @Shaz51 @Former-Member 👋💕

Re: Far and Away

I am okay @Faith-and-Hope Have had a headache all week after a 'collision' with my brick fence on Monday morning. I was packing the car to go to work and slipped off the edge of my path - so 2 days off. I should have had longer but our class were presenting their work at an assembly and I wanted to be there for them. Still feeling it a bit but doing much better overall.


I have also had an increase in one of my meds as I have been feeling pretty low for a while. Not sure if it is working yet as the headaches have not helped but I see my pdoc again in a few weeks when it will have time to (hopefully) kick in.


I actually had a dream about you the other night - you were still unpacking and sorting things so it seems I am channelling what you are doing lol I love that you are finding those things to be grateful for and giving yourself the time to deal with all the emotional rollercoasters. There is certainly a lot for you to unpack (both physically and mentally) but I have no doubt you are doing all that you can for you wellbeing.


It is really nice to hear that your baby dragons are more mindful and making progress with how they are with you - that is really positive and no doubt a reflection of your own kindness and compassion.


I do miss you Hon but we both have a lot going on so anytime you pop up it gives me a heart lift. Never, ever forget how much I care, even when I am not around 🥰

Re: Far and Away

♥️🦋 @Zoe7 …..


Got to some local markets this morning.  Breathed deep !❣️  Back to the grindstone again now.


So sorry to hear about the fence collusion and consequences, but glad that you are recovering, and I am sure the assembly item was amazing.  I enjoyed them so much when I was on teaching prac.  Any chance to be theatrical and creative, huh ?? 😏


@Snowie @Emelia8 @Shaz51 @Former-Member  👋💕  Hope y’all are having a good day xxx

Re: Far and Away

Lovely for you to be able to get out to the markets @Faith-and-Hope and I hope you have done what you wanted for the rest of today. I have not done all I wanted to do but it is what it is. We have student-parent conferences all week so there will not be much time to get a lot done. I have cooked a couple of things today for the next few days then will possibly grab a roast chicken later in the week to thrown together with a salad - so I have dinner sorted when I finally get home each day at least.


Will try to check in across the week but unsure when that will be. Hugs and hugs hon 💕


Sending a little extra love to everyone tonight @Snowie @Shaz51 @Eve7 @tyme ❤️

Re: Far and Away

Hiya @Sans911 ♥️♥️♥️ good to see you Hon.


Re: Far and Away

👋💕🌷 @Zoe7 @Former-Member @Snowie @Shaz51 @Emelia8 …..

Re: Far and Away

👋💕🌷 @Glisten 

Re: Far and Away

Morning ❤️ @Faith-and-Hope , @Zoe7 , @Snowie , @Emelia8 , @Sans911 ☺️

How is everyone going today xx 

Re: Far and Away

Late reply, sorry @Shaz51 ….. and it’s not still “today”, but oh well …….


Another flat-out day here.  S2 and D3 are coming across the great divide to visit in a few days.  I am frantically trying to clear some space and find linen to make beds.  The place is still a train-wreck, but just starting to turn a corner I think (hope).  It’s all a mixed blessing.

Re: Far and Away