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Re: Best Friends Club

Hello @Shaz51 

Great to be here.

I am a 53 year old artist living with my teens who are fabulous.

my cat who has murderous intentions towards breakable items. A best dog in the world, a wayward horse called Tank because he is huge, a house rabbit who thinks he is a dog and a few inner demons. 


I have CPTSD, Major depressive disorder, and agoraphobia. 


I like trail running alone in the wilds, reading endlessly, sewing and painting in all mediums.

I love dancing to all sorts of crazy music on bush trails when not being totally hermit like. 


I make people laugh a lot. Not so much at the moment as I have a scary tumour and have hit a rough patch that is the roughest ever. 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Mustang67.  I noticed you haven't been around and I know the AFL grand final time was a bit of a roller coaster ride for you with those memories it brings back, so I just wanted to check in and see if you were doing okay... and say hi as well.


After the struggle of last weekend, I've been doing pretty well since.  Some moments of struggling, but i seem to be able to get past them quite quickly so far.  I had my mens group on thursday night and a friend there, the one I started the support group with, is really struggling mentally, so I'm a bit concerned about him.  I plan to catch up with him early this week, but if not we have our October meeting this Thursday so I hope I can have a chat to him before then and see how he's doing.


Congratulations on the NRL result, it sounds like it has come at a great time to give you a big boost, so I'm happy for you.... enjoy the win!  Glenelg won the SANFL this year for the 2nd year in a row so we both had premiership joy this year 🏆🏆


I hope you can get you medication sorted out.  The chemist I got to always tries to give me the generic stuff.  I mostly dont mind, apart from the hormone drugs.  One needs to be the brand one because there's a nurse who comes to the house every 3 months to mix and inject it, and it has to be the brand one as she's employed by them.  And the 2nd one... there is no generic as the drug is very new.


So fingers crossed you can get it sorted,  antidepressants are not something you need to have issues with.


Hopefully we see you around the forums soon.   It feels like someone is missing without you around.  Chat soon 🤞

Re: Best Friends Club

👋🏼 Hi @Louie333 with that menagerie of domestic animals and artistic skills, you fit right in here.

People with CPTSD are the funniest people with the best sense of humour.

Do you live on property?

I currently live on a friend’s property, surrounded by Stock/Quarter horses.

What breed of horse 🐎 is Tank?

What are the breeds and names of your other animals?

Do you have an eviction notice for your tumour?

Here is a photo of Mac and Lenny





Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten morning. It is before 9am and I am up, dressed and compos menzies (yes that's deliberate 😁)

Maybe the mood stabilisers are working after all.


I had a Ford Laser that I called Canada because I thought at the time it was the closest I'd ever get to being in Canada. Of course I had to change her name after I went to Canada.

I now have a Mitsubishi ASX. I love her. Kind of the same thing, the closest I'll get to being in Paris, but it just seemed to fit.

My ex has a Ranger. I'd be happy to drive one if Paris were to meet her demise. Ex friend wants a Ranger too so to have one would be a middle finger to her exponentially. I'd be sure to park it next to her POS (piece of sh*t) and lean against it with a smug grin. 


Now when are you going to answer my question about your arm hmm?


Sir Murdermittens glared at me when I suggested he pull the muffin cart. I fear I may wake up unalive tomorrow while he plots my demise at the suggestion of such nonsense. He told me that's what dogs are for. 

What's the difference between a terrorist and a cat? You can reason with a terrorist.


I didn't remove the rego plates because Paris has custom plates so if you want to stalk the poor sap who ended up with these plates let me know if they are driving a Ranger!!  🤣🤣 (This photo was also taken at my former residence so I'm not even giving you a clue as to my location. Mwa ha ha ha ha)


Re: Best Friends Club

👋Hello @Glisten 


Hello to Mac & Lenny, bless their little hooves. Thats great you live on a friends property surrounded by equine sweethearts. 

Tank is a Gypsy Cob x Clyde.  I don't live on a property, just lucky enough to have next door horsey neighbours. I live in a crumbling cottage that needs work but that can wait,(For a lottery win?), because critters are therapy🙈.

There is Harlet the massive white rabbit who has only destroyed two lamp cords in 6 years. Tosh the Groodle who is 9 and Maus the fat too clever Burmese cat who is ancient. 

I don't know if anyone remembers the goldfish names. There were two and then we found a tiny baby stuck in the filter, after months of a nursery seperate net so he did not get eaten, he is my little pride and joy. My son kids me out of his room for watching them swim too long, it is so relaxing!


Could never get by without CPTSD humour. Sometimes needed when suddenly screaming in the middle of a shop after a siren goes by. I turn into the best actress who comes up with creative behavioural explanations, really should have an Oscar💃


No eviction date on tumour yet, looking at cryoablation which is only covered in some cases by medicare. The tumour actually did not frighten me on the face of it but then it must have because I spiralled down. Bit terrified to be near horses at the moment because of the way human anxiety can really affect them with their super intuitive senses. Will get there in the end. 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Louie333 wrote:

I make people laugh a lot. Not so much at the moment as I have a scary tumour and have hit a rough patch that is the roughest ever. 

@Louie333Yep, it's tough to make people laugh when you're dealing with that.  I've been dealing with my own for 2 years now.  The start of the year was the worst time of my life after a 'not good' test result, but you adapt and trust the Doctors will do everything they can for you.  I hope you have some promising news soon.

Re: Best Friends Club

You @ENKELI Retiisi are HILARIOUS‼️

Mitsubishi Triton it is 👍🏼 🤣

As if I’ll ever earn the income I had in 2018 BAHAHA.

Sir Murdermittens I acknowledge that you are not built for speed, but for Ragdolling. Cat Cart Supervisor?

Your humble servant 



Re: Best Friends Club

@MJG017 I am sorry you are in the hard place of dealing with results we don't want to hear. 

You sounds positive, you are right, trusting that doctors and medical interventions are doing their utmost is the key to staying full of hope. 


Virtual hugs x 





Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Louie333 


I am excited because you and I are the same age. I enjoy art too but I do mainly abstract stuff because I can’t draw although I would like to learn to

Re: Best Friends Club

@Glisten So long as we have an ample supply of Temptations cat treats we should be fine with His Lordship. I don't know what they put in those things but it's like crack for cats. He can be outside asleep and as soon as I shake the bag he almost takes flight. I scattered a few on my doona cover and I swear he licked the pattern off the cover.


As if I’ll ever earn the income I had in 2018 BAHAHA. I know what you mean. 2017 for me, which is why I bought the most expensive model of Parises available. I picked her up on the 1st Sept 17 and then on the 3rd Sept my slime bag boss fired me. Being Mr Teflon (If I mentioned his name you'd know who he was) he got my replacement to tell me I was fired. Life has gone downhill from there really.


Sir MM as deigned to accept your position of supervisor, however he prefers CEO and He Who Shall Be Obeyed as his title. 

