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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @TAB just straining my bone broth and getting ready to put in the freezer. So you're going into Adelaide with the TAFE and staying at a friends place? It will get you out of the house. Just got to wait for this bone broth to cool a bit. Its a lovely golden color. I look forward to making it as part of my weekend routine. Nothing else on for today. I get paid my disability pension next week so can balance my budget. I noticed today Mars is squaring Pluto as of today and forms an exact angle tomorrow. Lots of volatility in the air. Take it easy on the roads tomorrow. 

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Shaz51 @Ainjoule @SmilingGecko @Doldip15 @Historylover @TAB @PeppyPatti 

You all post photos of things you like.

Here’s a photo of my toolboxes and steel caps LOL



Re: Good Morning!

Beautiful flowers @Shaz51 

Thankyou very much for the photo. It's lovely. My pictures re not personal like yours. Your are about you and your life. That's why I like them 



Re: Good Morning!

Wow that looks like hard yakka stuff @Glisten.  How did you get into woodworking if I may ask?

Re: Good Morning!

I have never gone to a footy match in my whole life @StuF Have been to some cricket. Never got much into Aussie Rules

Re: Good Morning!

you dont know what you have started now re tools @Glisten lol will bust out my old steel caps and bags, drawers, boxes, car boots of tools, probs got 50 spanners , 5 dift hammers , grinders etc lol , punches, sockets, podger ratchets, drifts, dividers, squares , levels, stringlines, plumbobs chalklines , bevel squares, tapes, rules, pencils, sharpies , chalk 

should take them out and play with them again one day lol 

Re: Good Morning!

I think this tool kit stuff is quite amazing. So many people these days unable to do basic repairs around the house. I think schools these days educate children differently. We did have woodwork, textiles and home economics. I think these days kids don't have an life skills like we did @TAB @Glisten 

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @SmilingGecko 

Yeah, AFL is a fun thing to share with my mates apart from anything


But if it just doesn't interest you, it just doesn't interest you 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Yes I guess so @StuF Dad could never get into it as the male aggression associated with the sport used to trigger him a lot from family violence he experienced growing up. We just never had VFL on TV in the house. I guess I just never got into it. Used to like watching ladies netball though and a bit of cricket as far as sport goes

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  ROFL 🤣  so not fair LOL You can post a photo of Goose and your tools - show off.

Oi it’s not a competition

 @SmilingGecko posted a photo of her scarf 🧣 

@Shaz51 posted a photo her tropical plant

Me: LOL tools & steel caps - so pretty NOT 🤣



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