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Re: Daily Achievements!

Thanks for you advice and support @MJG017


I am actually currently sitting outside on the step of my tiny verandah soaking up some sun. I have lived in this cabin for over 4 years and it is the first time I have sat outside to enjoy listening to the birds chirping away. 


You sound so similar to me, if I need to make an important phone call, I will write all my questions down. I don't have anyone reliable enough to attend appointments with me. I have always done all my appointments and care on my own.  But I am in charge of taking my mum to her appointments and being the one asking questions or dobbing her in to the doctor if she plays any of her symptoms down.


I would really love to burn the king sized bed, but I would probably get a decent amount for it. As long as it goes.I will be happy. 



This is what it says about the yoga class.

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Mustang67  Yes, I'm lucky to have my oartner to go with me.  The appointments where i got bad results, i just sort of stopped listening and was in a bit of a daze.  So at least she was there to get all the other infornation.


The yoga sounds like normal yoga but more focussed on relaxation and stress relief, so hopefully it helps.


It is a nice day today.  I just finished up at the Western Hospital at West Beach and am now waiting for my fish and chips just down the road to go down to eat them while looking out at the water.  What better way to enjoy the sunshine!

Re: Daily Achievements!

@MJG017 the beach sounds like the perfect place to be.


I am now sitting in my egg chair for the first time.  It was getting too hot in the sun. Second load of washing is on. And even on a beautiful day like today, I have to dry my washing at the laundromats, as my back won't let me stand there long enough to hang it in the line. I can usually manage two towels and the bath matt before being in too much pain.


And fish & chips yummy. I normally can't eat that as it gets stuck and I end up bringing it back up. But I should be getting that problem fixed with in 90 days the hospital said. I am actually really excited about going to hospital to get it done. That was one of the reasons I stopped socialising, as its not a good look when you have to keep going to the toilet to throw up. 


Enjoy the serenity around you. My doctor should be calling me any minute now. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Mustang67  I was pretty warm today.  As I was sitting in the car eating my lunch I realised just how warm it was in the sun today.  I'd forgotten what that felt like!


Hopefully you can get that stomach(?) issue fixed.  I know what you mean about socializing with issues like that.  Not exactly the same, but for a few months after I finished radiation treatment, I did affect the ol' bowels for quite a while.  It took me quite a while before I felt comfortable leaving the house as it didn't take much to trigger 'the need' and I didn't have long.  So I was very hesitant to go anywhere.


My back doesn't like me standing too long either, although a bit longer than yours by the sounds of it.  I can usually get my washing up before  I need to sit down for a bit.  Maybe you need one of those lines you can raise and lower.  So you can lower it... hang the washing while sitting down, then raise the line.  This may be just a completely impractical 'man-solution' to a problem though 😁

Re: Daily Achievements!

@MJG017 I use my indoor airer when I can, but in the caravan park, you don't get any say on the clothesline. 


When I eat, I can't talk while I eat, as it gets stuck.  And of course when you socialise, talking is what most people do.


I also have a funny stomach, anything too rich, or too much wine, it goes straight through me. It was just easier to stay at home. 


Plus after I hit rock bottom in 2018, I really saw who my friends were, so I pushed most of them away. I have reconnected with a couple, but not on the scale that I used to.

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Mustang67  When you say you live in a 'cabin', I always assumed it was a caravan park... but still, a part of me always imagined you living in a wood cabin in the hills, keeping the fire going and watching out for bears! 😁


I guess that's the one benefit of reaching such a low.... you do find out who will support you and who wont.  The same happened to me when I was diagnosed, and again when I had the bad result at the start of they year and reached my lowest point ever.  I have few people in my life now, but on the plus side, I do feel closer to them than I did before.  Which is big for me so that's been a positive.

Re: Daily Achievements!

@MJG017 thanks for the belly laugh.  I wish I was living in a wood cabin in the hills. I love having fires when out in the country.  I get mesmerised when staring into the flames 🔥 


Talking about bears, have you ever watched the movie Cocai*e Bear? 


I have one friend that I can tell her anything and she never judges. We have am absolute ball when we catch up. Earlier in the year we caught up, and we worked out it had been over 3 years since we had actually seen each other in the flesh. That night we drank 5 bottles of wine between the two of us. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Mustang67  I love a good fire as well.  Not in a pyromaniac sort of way though. 😁


I've seen reviews of Cocai*e Bear and thought it looked like the best thing since Sharknado!  I haven't watched it yet though, but plan to some time soon.


Three years since you caught up with your friend in person?! Then it's not even a bottle of wine for each of you per year!  That would have been six bottles!  So congratulations to the both of you for showing such restraint! 🍷😂

Re: Daily Achievements!

@MJG017 I am so glad that you are not a pyromaniac. Lol


Cocai*n Bear is probably a little bit better than Sharknado.


My therapists wanted to go to the movies to watch it, so I downloaded it and watched it, and decided I would definitely not waste my money going to the movies to see it.  So I gave her a copy to watch. As soon as her and her husband finished watching it, the husband said, thank God we didn't pay to see that. But she said that she would have been happy to pay to watch it. Each to their own. I found it more comical than anything. 


I already have 5 bottles ready for our next visit. She really wants me to meet her new boyfriend as she wants my opinion. I gave her a copy of red and green flag to look out for in a relationship. 


She is recently separated from an absolute pig of a man, who treated her so badly.  He wasn't physically abusive,  but every other area of her life he controlled her. I couldn't stand the guy. So I have been passing on what I have been learning to her.


But I do have a couple of concerns already. But we will talk about that at our next catch up, hopefully soon.

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Mustang67  I wouldn't pay to see cocai@e bear either, but it did look funny from the bits I saw in a 'its so bad, it's good' sort of way.  Not that I condone downloading movies in any way and would never think of doing it myself. 😁


I don't know what it is with some men!  If you don't treat anyone, let alone your partner with kindness, love, and respect... then why be with them?!  I guess some men are just controlling a$$hats.  It does make the rest of us embarrassed to be men sometimes. A couple women my partner works with are married to men who just make you shake your head and think what the heck is wrong with these people and how can you treat anyone like they do!


I hope you get the chance to catch up with your friend again soon and open a few more bottles.  Hopefully this new guy is a good guy.  Your concerns are a little bit of a worry though for her.