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Re: about carer's fatigue

Hello @Kiera80 , @Former-Member , @Determined , @Mandy1 

@Jay-e , @Carlachris , @FindingStrength , @Boo13 , @Scoo 

Re: about carer's fatigue

Carer's fatigue

@Shaz51 @Mandy1 @Determined @Former-Member @Kiera80 

I think this hit me a few years ago when I realised that this was my life for the long haul by committing to hubby. 
I can be very robotic in how I care for him. I've accepted that because he won't get professional help the chances of fixing himself with self helps books and his faith is a very slow process if it happens at all. Although the latest book he read had CBT principles so it was helpful for him. 
I don't feel guilty because I am doing my best. I am kind and peaceful around him. I don't react anymore to his outbursts as I only lose my peace if I do.  I stick to a routine and I set boundaries because it helps me cope. I really enjoy my time alone so when hubby works back, watches tv in another room or goes out I am happy. 
This forum really helps. I don't want to become a cold or numb person. Listening to your stories gives me hope "I can do this!"  I think you are super human beings xx


Re: about carer's fatigue

hello and hugs @Scoo@Mandy1@Determined@Kiera80 , @Former-Member , @tyme , @Former-Member , @cloudcore 





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Re: about carer's fatigue

Great visuals & valuable information @Shaz51 - Thanks for sharing here 💛
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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