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Re: Weighted Blankets

Hi @Phoenix_Rising and @greenpea

Thank you for taking the time to explain to me the facts on autism. I think it's a good conversation to have as there is a lot of ignorance of it out there. And I do like to learn through those with lived experience as who better to explain? As @Phoenix_Rising said people do seem to think those effected are all the same. I found both your explanations of the assessing criteria and how it can effect social interaction, and in some incidents with @greenpea's children - learning difficulties, enlightening. Yes the Good Doctor is Hollywood, I thought so much - you would be amazed on how people will see autism through this show. That's what's prompted me to ask so I don't get confused by it.

And yes, we are all very unique. It really took my breath away @Phoenix_Rising how you explained that to us on @Ant7's thread. Hope you both are doing okay and having a good day. Thanks again 😊x

Re: Weighted Blankets

@Former-Member Thanks -Enigma- Smiley Happy

Re: Weighted Blankets

@Phoenix_Rising - well I did it. I bought a heavy weighted blanket from the place you got yours. I'd already looked up their website.
They will make my blanket on Monday and post it on Tuesday. That's pretty good service.
I'm hoping the blanket will help calm me down when the anxiety gets high. Worth trying I guess.

Re: Weighted Blankets

Wonderful! Can you let us know how it works for you @utopia I would be very curious.

Re: Weighted Blankets

Of course @greenpea

Re: Weighted Blankets

Hi all on this thread. 

I have placed an order for a weighted blanket yesterday and looking forward to it being delivered.

Will let you know all how it goes 


Re: Weighted Blankets

Great! @Snowie Can I ask what things did you 'weigh' (sorry the pun lol) up when you purchased it?

Re: Weighted Blankets

Ha ha @greenpea, you just made me laugh Smiley TongueSmiley Tongue

I guess I weighed up the cost as they are quite expensive so have been looking at them for awhile now. When I was in hospital I tested one out and really liked it. The weight helped with my anxiety.

I don't seem to have the tools yet to help with my anxiety and when I get distressed so I am hoping that this blanket helps. I did a lot of research on them and read how it has helped others who have anxiety and depression so thought it might help me too.


Re: Weighted Blankets

@Snowie I have always liked the idea of buying several we could all use them in this house .... will be very interested on how it goes for you and more so hope it works for your anxiety 🙂

Re: Weighted Blankets

@greenpeaI should get it next week so we let you know how it goes. 

I know a few other members have them so think they might be beneficial to others too