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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

That about fits for me too @Former-Member  lol


Managed to tak a load of green waste to the tip this morning. Tried last week but discovered they close at 4pm. 

Did some mowing and whipper snipping and weeding.  Dusted off the ride on and decided again I want to keep it lol. Makes the job so much eaiser. 

Over the next couple of weeks I need to reorder the shed to better fit the boat. After uni starts up I wont have much of a chance to use it for rhe next 3 months. I have had it out since start of the holidays. Too hard to put it away each time we use it due to space restrictions. 



Re: Decluttering and home maintenance


 👍👍 to keeping the ride on. It is an item you use regularly (and clearly enjoy). 


I avoided making an official declutter "to do list" , would have found it too disheartening. It was quite obvious what needed to be done. We had to slowly navigate our way around boxes/ clutter in the spare room, annex and office. The lounge/ kitchen/ dining area didn't look quite so bad to us but once we got started, friends began to comment on how much better these areas looked (the doors to the other areas were usually closed).







Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Home maintenance achievements today.

Fan attached to wall over treadmill

Board on front step re attached


Now we wait to see how long it takes S3 to break the front step off again.

(It is hardwood glued to bricks). Don't know why but he has a thing about removing it 😫

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Next on list is to replace bathroom taps. Kind of lost interest though.  Was on a roll until darling smartly announced 'wow we are on a maintenance streak today' 

Don't know why but that had really upset me.  A thank you would have been far more effective.  Well she did say thank you eventually but only after first insulting me. 



Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Bathroom taps done   😁

Only re-seated  and replaced washers 12 months ago. This time replaced with new 1/2 Turn taps so hope they last a bit longer.

A bit harder to over tighten and ruin the washers may make a difference I hope. 


Last chore for today was going to be m owing the front yard but that is very much in the too hard basket now I think. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Well done @Determined.

My little bit for the day was clearing up some accumulated junk by the back door. A mixture of things left there, dropped there and blown in there. It's not totally tidy, but improved.
That was spurred on by a weather warning for possible heavy rain. When it's really heavy, the water flowing down the driveway sometimes bypasses the drain, and if so, the next lowest spot is our back doorway. So as a precaution, there's three potting mix bags "sandbagging" the porch for the moment. 😛
Looks like we've missed the really heavy falls after all, but they can stay there until tomorrow in case.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Our other job for today that I just remembered was to groom the dogs.

Not exactly 'home maintenance' but it is a household chore. Purchased a table and some cordless clippers this morning to make the job eaiser.  

Tomorrow is another day. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance


'Onya Bro for persisting and getting the taps done even when you did not feel like it.

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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Mr Darcy has just spotted a mouse in our kitchen ... yikes.



Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

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Gentle encouragement my forum friends.