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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance


I don't know why letting go of things we no longer use or need can be so difficult, change can be uncomfortable.


Once we got with the program it became easier as the burden that the weight of our clutter began to lift, Mr Darcy in particular was unstoppable 😁.  





Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

mr shaz has moments to throw things out @Former-Member , but then he seems to stop when I want to do more Smiley LOL

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Shaz51 The ultimate way to declutter is to regularly move house.  I've lived in 11 homes in the past 15 years, and whilst that is horrible for my MH, it's brilliant for decluttering. 😂  And currently living in a caravan, so we are down to the very basics.  Space is limited, so if it's not 100% essential to day to day life, then it's gone.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance


It is hard if we are the only motivated one.

Sadly avolition and apathy are both symptoms of MI as well as the latter being a side effect of some psych medications.

I just plugged away at dealing with "my" stuff first and other items Mr D had no interest in. Once he could see things looking heaps better, he caught on and dealt with "his" stuff as well as "our" stuff.


Yikes @ETBug ,  11 homes in 15 years 😵😵😵 we have recently had our 5th long distance move in 36 years (almost like a 7 year itch) and really do not relish the thought of another move.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

The ultimate way to declutter is to regularly move house.---- my step D1 would totally agree with you @ETBug 

my mr shaz`s first marriage , they moved 17 times in 18 years before separating

now with me , we have been in the one house for 13 years soo far

@Former-Member. @Faith-and-Hope , @Determined , @Adge 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Learning new habits and not getting stuff in the first place is hard too ... but I think is an important part of the decluttering process, otherwise we end up in the same mess, something I am trying to avoid.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

very true @Former-Member , forward I go Smiley Very Happy

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Pssst @Determined , wondering if you have any news for us yet (re saucepans)

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Well @Former-Member  2 went with my mum.

The rest are still in a box by the front door. 


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance
