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Making patients feel stupid is a treatment all doctors should eschew

Making patients feel stupid is a treatment all doctors should eschew


Read this article by a doctor in The Guardian - it's good to hear this coming from a medical professional. 🙂  Also, yes, I know, #notallmedicalprofessionals. 🙂


Re: Making patients feel stupid is a treatment all doctors should eschew

It doesn't really matter if medical people are critical of some patients. In all professions there are in secrets. e.g. Teachers have certain students and parents who become talking points in the staff room. But the important thing is that the attitude does not become overtly evident to the patient. evident to the patient. i.e. Old fashioned manners and cheerfulness should prevail as well as patience.

Re: Making patients feel stupid is a treatment all doctors should eschew

Hi @CannonSalt,


thanks for this article, I found it very moving. Yes, like any professionals, doctors can be condescending and rude. Some are great and some are not so great.

I guess I just never had a very high expectation of them to begin with, so I have not ended up being offended by them!

I can think of three separate instances where, in hindsight, the doctors did not treat me with the appropriate treatment that my symptoms warranted. In each case, I felt a bit intimidated and went along with what they wanted me to do, even though I had my doubts. 

In each case, it turned out I got the wrong treatment. 

Re: Making patients feel stupid is a treatment all doctors should eschew

When doing some volunteer work many years ago, my eyes were opened to the lunchroom attitudes.  It was extremely upsetting to know how much the "professionals" despised those they were supposed to be helping.  Since then, it has become even easier to spot the negative attitudes.  Maybe there should be a subject on Respect in their courses that requires a 100% mark to pass.  It would take someone with professional acting talent to pass off a respectful attitude, when the reality is the opposite.  Even the professionals I most respect, occassionally slip up, either inadvertently or deliberately.  It's frustrating that assumptions are made, but i guess even the "professionals" are human too.  It would just be nice if they could acknowledge that too sometimes.

Re: Making patients feel stupid is a treatment all doctors should eschew

Professionals are human beings as well with their own mental health issues. Nobody is perfect. Most people at different points in their lives all go through life changing adjustments, it's our response that makes the difference.

Re: Making patients feel stupid is a treatment all doctors should eschew

Yeah, but sometimes, even a cheerful facade can fail to cover up the doctor's disdain or disgust for their patient - it just comes across as facetious & condescending. That's not exclusive to those in the medical profession either, it's a universal superiority complex that may be well-hidden to many, but triggers an instant sense of unease & distrust in those with conditions like mine - BPD - which harken back to similar treatment during childhood.