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Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices



Thank you for your kind reply and sharing your story. I can't believe it would last that long and I certainly hope you would get better.


I have been hearing voices for almost 3 years and trying all sort of ways to have the voices gone. I wasn't like this before and would like to be the person I was in the past without the trauma drama.


I came across this website recently and after filling in the quiz, I end up on the PTSD healing program (there's no hearing voices/schizo there). There is one module in the program about intrusive thoughts which I found very helpful in healping me stop the voices. 


Here's a summary:

This module continues with anxiety management information and techniques focussing on intrusive thoughts:

  • Coping with intrusive thoughts & images
  • Avoiding trauma reminders
  • Distraction as a coping method
  • Thought stopping
  • Focus on the present moment


This morning when I woke up, first thing I said to myself is "No more voices today!".


It isn't easy as the day passed, but I hope one day I will have my quiet mind back.


Hope the website might be of help to others on this forum too. They even include a session with a therapist. All for free too. 🙂

Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices



I am glad for you it's just your thoughts. 🙂 It's less severe than having voices and hallucinations. Your interest in psychiatry may have assisted in your healing too. 


Thank you for sharing and take care too. 🙂

Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices



I'm glad both mom and son are ok. You probably got it for your son too, so you would better understand his health condition. It's not easy for others to understand what we went through either and it's not easy to communicate this to the health professionals as well. When I first had this, I was certain this was just a phase and like the flu would go away quickly. But days, weeks and months went by, somehow it persists. I am working daily to make sure this stops one day. Soon.


Take care! 



Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices



Thank you for your kind reply and sharing your experience! 


When I first heard the voices, I threw up too and tried to get better by sleeping hoping that when I woke up this nightmare would disappear. No more voices, no more hallucinations. But getting very sick did not help nor did sleeping my way through the days.


What helps for me was getting outdoor in the park and sitting on the grass under the sun for hours. When I am in better health, I would go for a long walk or short run in nature. Having a proper schedule and being busy helps too as distractions.


Hope you get better soon! 🙂 


Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices



Thank you for your kind reply and sharing your story! I am sure one day you will share your book here too. Looking forward to it! 🙂


I am really glad you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I certainly hope everyone here would be the same too. I am currently not on meds but I probably need to see a gp to get a proper diagnosis. I probably didn't see the right gps in the past as they have no experience in mental health, and had been trying to deal with this on my own. At some point, I even try to get healing through religion as I have initially thought it could have been witchcraft or ghost interference, but that had not helped either. I had been involved in support groups too and I am grateful to find those in the same boat who are empathic and willing to share similar experiences.


Much appreciate all those who have contributed to my post. 🙂


Best wishes to you! 🙂 



Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices

@Lilaca @Guiding_Light@Everan @Eve7 @

 @greenpea prob knows my history


Both my parents were diagnosed with "Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia".   Went to MH ward first when I was 10.  Started consciously researching after my brother rang and we tried to understand the meaning behind it all ...   meditation practices from early 20s.  There is value in minimising meds, but a lot depends on one's individual circumstances and resources.  Most people are doing the best they can.






Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices

@Lilaca @Appleblossom @Eve7 @greenpea @Everan 

When it comes to doctors, psychs and diagnosis' I’m not going to sugar coat this, I think it’s important that people
hear the truth of others experience rather than withholding knowledge and experience.

To seek the guidance of those with
extensive lived experience is a sign of intelligence, because those with lived experience of the journey will always have more authority and more credibility than the academic, just the same way as any experienced Aircraft Pilot who has flown many times and who has navigated the storms will always be more preferred and have higher value than the trainee pilots who have only ever dreamt and read about flying from books in their universities.
Of course there’s no harm in seeking both the academic and the experienced.

It is important though that we see this with honesty and clarity.
By giving you a diagnosis, it is an attempt to categorise you and put you into a little box with a label for anything and everything that they don’t understand or refuse to acknowledge, a label for this and a label for that, it is a box of their own ignorance actually, because that’s how they were trained by the education system.
Trained to automatically dismiss anything that doesn’t fit their limited constructed box of “normal” with their
aim being to try and stuff you inside it one way or another, to bend you in the shape that they think you should be rather than allowing you to discover your divine nature and blossom into the shape you were created to be.

Most of the labels and diagnosis' from psychiatrists are really nothing more than a form of bullying, and they may cause more harm than good.
It is the same as a bully calling you names and if you happen to believe and buy into their perception
and opinion of you to be true, then and only then does it affect you, often leading to all sorts of other unnecessary and unforeseen challenges, for example: additional depression and a de-valuing of who and what you are.

Diagnosis and labels can just as easily be removed as they were put on.
If you do not allow such labels to be stuck on you, then it is like the bullies sticks and stones being deflected off your shield, keeping you safe, unharmed and immune.
On the other side of the coin, if you do not experience the pain of the sticks and stones then you may not know a reason to hold up a shield for yourself in the first place until you know it hurts; meaning that we learn by our experience of suffering and that suffering can be a great teacher.

A diagnosis is only an opinion, it only lives by its agreement and belief that it is true for you; as part of your identity, it requires you to be agreeable and to say “ok I believe you, and that’s true for me”, of course many of us do at first trust them as we have been told that we should and after they use a few basic psychological manipulation techniques and/or fear tactics such as “if you don’t take these meds its only going to get worse” before too long they are using us as a guinea pig.
may tend to trust them and agree with them because there has been a great effort to promote and glorify them as the ultimate know-all when it comes to our mental health, giving authority, power and credibility to those who really have none.
This topic goes far deeper into the corruption of Governments and education systems and other agendas, however I won’t go into all that now, I'm just here to offer guidance from lived experience, to help in what way I can that may best serve you and others at this time.
To allow you to make an informed decision for what is best for you by hearing new perspectives.
You don’t have to listen to me either, it’s your choice,
some people will learn better by learning their own way and steering their own ship where it needs to go and do not require or want a lamp to see, and that is where I'd like to see everyone eventually able to steer their own ship and in their own driver seat of their life, for that’s really what mental health is all about. The choice is always in your hands, You are your own master.

At least I will know that
by providing what vision I could, that I atleast offered and gave you the option rather than keeping those in the dark who are asking for visibility and navigation, for not only have I found the light at the end of the tunnel but I have also discovered I am the light in the darkness and that the darkness is not an enemy, there are no enemies, for without the darkness there can be no light.

I hope this is helpful for someone, and I wish you well on your journeys.

Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices

Hi @Guiding_Light  Smiley Happy


It seems like you are relatively new to the Forums? Welcome! Smiley Very Happy I hope you will find this an incredibly supportive community. I can hear your intention to help others too, which is wonderful! Smiley Happy


I'm sorry to hear that you've had such awful experiences in the system. Smiley Sad It seems that @Appleblossom can relate to what you've said about diagnoses. However, I just wanted to highlight that although some experience diagnoses and psychiatry as unhelpful/harmful, others have found it crucial to understanding their experience and their mental health improving. This by no means discredits people who have had awful and traumatizing experiences in the mental health system but allows room for all to have different experiences without exerting one type of experience as ultimate reality or the objective truth. This way of posting is articulated and encouraged in our Community Guidelines as well.


I hope this doesn't discourage you from posting @Guiding_Light as I'm sure others could feel supported and less alone through hearing your experiences! Smiley Happy




Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices


Thanks @Former-Member  for the feedback and reminder,
it's good to have another perspective like yours.

Yes we all have different experiences of the system and different experiences through "mental illness" and recovery may look different for everyone, I am not ignoring that.
I've also had some very good and helpful experiences with 1 or 2 psychs though the system certainly needs to change and have a reform.
Why? because collectively,
we know so much more now than when the system was formed and created.
Those who know the journey know best what works and what doesn't, and collectively we all contribute to that big puzzle picture as a way to better understand ourselves and our reality. Each piece is worthy, valid and a needed part of the whole for it to be a whole.
A big part of what has been missing is communication and sharing of greater knowledge so that the education system can
receive the necessary upgrades in knowledge and understanding of the mind from those with lived experience, especially those who have gone one step further beyond what most of humanity sane or insane has understood about the mind and reality.

With our guidance, those who study psychiatry and mental illness can also then be more informed and better
equipped to serve and help those who go through suffering.
As a society most mental illness can be completely avoided, if such a practice like self-enquiry meditation was implemented from an early age into education systems, for the young child to recognise "hey!, wow,
I'm not that thought, it doesn't need to be my suffering", or "hey I'm unaffected by what the bully said about me, and instead i have compassion because I recognise they bought into the noise of their mind and what they were taught",
If our society came to know this, then most crime could be prevented, wars, overpopulation too due to compulsive breeding and all kinds of suffering due to unconscious and compulsive behaviour i.e "monkey business" of lower consciousness can be avoided. This is about the advancement and evolution of the Human species into conscious and cosmic beings.

The system and all it's "
professionals" who have tried to sell us the narrative and lie that
"there is no cure for mental illness, we can only learn to manage the symptoms" is incredibly irresponsible, especially if such an act is done on purpose which I imagine it must be, and if these so called "
professionals" are taught anything about the mind and suggestions and beliefs which they would be, then it's a crime against Humanity quite frankly, to limit and deceive the people, to intentionally prevent them from rising above such limiting beliefs which keeps them under the thumb of the broken system, it prevents them from discovering and living their highest potential.
Though really we all know they just don't want to lose customers, either that or they just don't know any better,
after all they were taught by those who also have no experience.
You see, they don't want ones like me speaking about such truths because it puts the business at stake, and brings up things that they themselves are too afraid to face, it annihilates
their ego and sense of importance.
However it is inevitable, the whole reason I and others came to this world and
incarnated down on this low dimension at this time in your evolution as a species was to wake you, we have chosen this time of global transition and astrological alignment to emerge from the darkness and carry out the mission.
So, regardless of who's journey it is and
their unique experiences of mental illness and their recovery, at the core of it, it is fundamentally the same issue, it is about a crisis of consciousness and a lack of understanding about how the mind works. Of which all can be cured with correct understanding. If you want to suppress these understandings to maintain control over humanity then that will be your karmic debt to pay for, so I would advice you to allow all communication.
All of our mental health as a species is closely connected to our spirituality and understanding of who and what we are, they are not
separate, because the source of all thought belongs to various identity/personality constructs and the discovery of the source of identity constructs beyond the sense of "me" is the "God" aspect that is within all things, no this is not just my take on it and experience, it is a fundamental truth which we can and must all discover as a species, to recognise that if we are to advance as a collective species, then consciousness must prevail. The discovery of "God" within us is an undeniable fact and experience of truth, for the source of any denial also belongs to a character and all opinions that exist are of course valid aspects of all that is, however the source of all of them is something much deeper that we all share in common, it can not really be described or intellectually understood because it is beyond the intellect, it is only by experience; that it can be known.

Very very few humans have gone that far, though things are changing now and more and more are waking up to experience this truth for themselves.
Every emotion behaviour and action of the Human, is a result of our thoughts and beliefs which all belong to identity constructs, and yes some may find it helpful to have a diagnosis to as you say "understand what's going on" which is only from the perspective of the limited knowledge of the "
professionals" and system, however I disagree that it is true understanding, Because if one is to truly understand the thoughts and chaos of the mind which in turn result in disharmonic and unpleasant emotions and behaviours then is it not time that as a species we address this correctly by getting to the root of the weed as oppose to clipping it's leaves?

The irony and paradox of going through "mental illness" and it's transformation to become an awakened being is that one comes to realise most of humanity is far more insane than they ever were, it's just that they are mostly all living in socially acceptable levels of insanity.

I also
acknowledge and encourage the need for each individual to move at their own pace its very important.
So I am not in any way saying that my
path and journey alone is
the ultimate truth, however the ultimate truth that has been discovered by my path and journey is the same truth that all of humanity possesses and will discover sooner or later, i'm just providing some light for you all to see that.

As in the words of Mahatma Ghandi - "Paths are many, Truth is one."

@Lilaca @Appleblossom @Eve7 @greenpea 

Re: Schizophrenia/hearing voices



Sorry to hear that. 😞 Did your parents get it before or after they met? Hope your bro wouldn't be affected by this. It must be hard to have this run in the family...


Have you watched the movie "A Beautiful Mind"? I heard John Nash, the maths genius, passed on his genius and paranoid schizo to his son. It's bittersweet..


Get better soon! 🙂


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