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Re: Good Morning!

I'm so glad I'm not the only silly Billy that stopped swimming. 

There's a lovely alcoholic I know who swims. She's wanting me to go swimming with her but I'm not quite up to it yet. 


What do you do do you forse yourself to excersise or do you wait until you want to ?? 

Re: Good Morning!

Doing my best, @Appleblossom. How about you? Music keeping you charged up and busy? Been doing anything exciting there?

Re: Good Morning!

Yes @PeppyPatti 

some nuns are scary and not nice! I’ve left a lot behind and I’ve left church behind as a formal institution- largely because of the judgementalism and rejection of the real religion in favour of assumed and imposed guilt! So many decide to treat people with assumed bias without asking and forget Christianity is about love, caring, support and nurture! Living as Christ lived! Not living by a rule book! When a church community decided to ostracise me as a divorced woman, I decided I didn’t need their brand of spirituality, I would nurture my own in a far more rewarding way! And this being left out of community was led by a nun I might add! Who never asked or offered any support for someone struggling to raise 4 children on her own! At that point I’d had my marriage dissolved by the church on 2 grounds anyway, so I wasn’t simply divorced! It was annulled! But did anyone ask! Not likely! Hypocrites all! I was glad to leave them behind and have never regretted it! A task unwelcome each Sunday! Took kids to beach instead and enjoyed Gods creation! 
Still aware of my own spiritual well being and don’t miss how they treat women in the church! 

I don’t visit Mum and Dad’s grave! It’s too far away! I miss doing that and wonder why? It’s not like they’re really there, are they? But it’s a place to identify them I guess! My sisters couldn’t afford to help with headstone, so I applied to Forde Foundation for their headstone and they have one! Dad’s has his military insignia! Mum has a memorial to her twin! It would be nice to know it’s looked after! But I can’t drive there any more! Maybe someone will take me there one day! 
so much to lose! I forget how fast the years go by! It’s 17 years since they’ve gone! I was lucky and had long service leave to care for Dad while he was dying! Faded away really after years of caring for Mum! They were gone within 3 months of each other! Then the 3 of us had to sort 45 years of living in the same house! Then my youngest sister decided to accuse my older sister and me of all sorts of stupid things and hasn’t spoken to us since! So I lost her too! When I almost died in 2016, my family went to great lengths to find her and explain and she basically said too bad, who cares! So I leave her to herself! I don’t understand her problems with the truth but I have enough of my own and don’t need to compensate somebody else’s pain! Share it, yes! Thought we did! But can’t compensate as not my responsibility to take on! We tried when she lost her tiny baby and wouldn’t hold him! My sister and I went and dressed him for his funeral, placed a rose in his hands, went and did what we could for our sister - cleaning, preparing, being there, talking, trying everything we new! But we failed her! She was never the same and never came out of that deep depression and never forgave us for trying I think! I lost a baby too but my sister didn’t want to know! She lost herself in her loss! And we got lost!  She seemed to hate us for trying to be there! Don’t know! Terrible time! Can’t explain as still don’t know! 
must away!

Grief is a terrible thing! I will be crying now!


I hope you’re OK @PeppyPatty 

Stay Safe


Re: Good Morning!

Dearest dearest @Doldip15 


If I was with you, I would be making you a cup of tea and we would be giggling over the probably unmatched tea cups. And different length spoons in my home to stir the milk in….


But it’s always nice to go to a nice cafe and sit on their couches and look outside to the busy people shopping or drinking tea next to us……..


Yes, I truly feel that loss of my brothers.I’de personally be sad about a youngest sister…..who can anyone expect your darling sisters to have survived and give open hearted love with a parent like you had?


But you’re here. You  hold a space for your youngest sister, I feel it. 


A couple of weeks ago, I had lunch with a friend of my parents that we used to know for years that we were part of a group in about two churches. Maybe three. We stayed socializing with this group of people while switching churches. It was Anglican and as a very small child, I never ever understood why didn’t this group of people didn’t know what was happening to me or my three brothers?? Why was my Mother so powerful in these group of people, how could she reign supreme in a supposed Anglican/ Christian way and get away with her behaviour? 


And now I know. All those years, I now know. The group were realising there was something very wrong. They just did nothing. Then there was awful things  happening that affected my brothers that don’t need to be written about. Nothing happened. 


This parent’s  friend, He knew me. He was younger than my parents and,  today He at 70 years old is well respected, He understood me. I don’t need to see him again really. But I walked away with a smile on my face and questions answered, Mum has lied about that time for many years and I believed her. His wife committed suicide during that time and at the time, I believed Mum,, I thought it was his and the church friends fault. But it wasn’t. it was all lies.


I want to see him. I want to listen to how he rebuilt his life, I want to  be around his empathy and his strong demeanour and joke about how his  children see him at 19 and 30, that he is a very uncool parent. But we realise  he really is cool because he prefers to walk the back streets where his business is.  I want to meet his wife,  want to soak in their attitude in their home. But I can’t. I need to keep on plugging on in my little life. 


I need to plug on with this damn book Im engrossed in. In the last two to thee months, I’ve written my notes of about 3 paragraphs……lol…..I’ve got quilts to sew, I’ve got small cloth birds to embroider. 


Tell me what you’re doing today my friend? Are recovering well? How is your beautiful doggy? 







Re: Good Morning!

Hey @TAB ,


I can't remember if it was this thread I said I would look out for clothing non profits who do men's clothing as well. In addition to Keith's Closet which I mentioned before ( - clothes for people with mental health challenges), I saw an ad for another one this morning and that was Thread Together: They take new clothing destined for landfill and give it to people in need.  

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Ainjoule , @PeppyPatti , @Doldip15 , @Historylover , @TAB , @Glisten 


Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Shaz51 


How are you doing?

Re: Good Morning!

Finally sitting down with a cuppa of coffee 😊 at 2pm 

How are you today ☺️ 💗 kings birthday holiday but not for Queensland 

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Shaz51 


Nice! I'm doing alright. I went to coffee this morning, and I'm going to drop into SafeHaven tonight, not for any reason in particular. I haven't been for a while and I thought I would go in to chat with them. 

Re: Good Morning!

me too re coffee @Shaz51  just handed my assignments up online so have the rest of the day to myself, well, while packing, and going over lesson plans for tomorrow.  Packing cos staying at friends prob few nites . Cat will have to fend for itself for a while