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Senior Contributor

Re: Far and Away

Plenty of ways to get there Teej

Re: Far and Away

Hi @Former-Member @TAB @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Kurra @Appleblossom @Shaz51

Just stopping by with a little more time to chat .... and have carried this over from your call-out on Beer Garden @Former-Member cos it's to do with my travels .... 💕

Woke up a bit headachey and nauseous today, but seems more like a body detox day than jet-lag .... good in that, but not comfortable in the process ....

Have just come back from a general tour .... bit cross cos WH picked up Greek food for lunch .... in the UK ?? ... grr .... am interested in local cuisine while I'm here .... and of course he won't eat it himself, nor MIL ... so just having a whinge about it to get it off my chest .... didn't want to throw it out, and it was nice .... but grr .... part of livin' with it all at the mo.

It's warmer where we are here.  Still coats and scarf weather, but not quite so bitey-cold.  This city is not as picturesque as the last one, but seems to have more life to it in an organic way, which is what we love so much about Greece.  

There is art for sale all around the outside of a gated park around the corner from here ... not that I am wanting to buy any, but it will make a lovely walk later today if I'm feeling up to it.  Will see if S2 and D3 will join me, owing to their art interest, and it will get a walk in for all of us too.

Ate at a pub in the old cellar of a Georgian house last night with the kids .... that was nice and laid back. WH and MIL both sleeping from early and skipping dinner .... but there's a freedom in it for the rest of us.  We're not tied to the regimen at times like this and can go adventuring a bit.

No Christmas markets here, but lotsa little 'ol shops straight off the street, looking like life-sized doll houses, and with Christmassy stuff for sale it seems like Chistmas markets anyway.  Can't buy much, so it's all in the looking ... and tasting ...

Saw on another thread that you have chosen not to decorate for Christmas recently @Appleblossom, and I agree with your son that people with new cars are not the ones who need charity support at this time of year .... even over here in Europe there are people cuddled up to their dogs for warmth and living on the streets.  They are the ones to buy for at Christmas .... a new pair of socks, or a beanie, or scarf,  is worth so much to these people, and the smile in return says it all.  That's Christmas.


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Re: Far and Away

Hi @Faith-and-Hope 😊💜
Will write more another time. 1am here. 😮😴
Just wanted to say "hi" and thankyou for ALWAYS acknowledging me on the forums. You are amazing how you're always there for everyone and I wanted to tell you that I appreciate you very much.

Gosh! I can hardly think now, sleepy time.
Enjoy your day. Chat soon. 😙

Re: Far and Away

Thanks @Former-Member ... 🤗 .... I am feeling like I have a forum family here .... you're with me even when I'm not with you .... ❤️

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Re: Far and Away

By the way @Faith-and-Hope, sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. I had a feeling you'd be resting/recovering after the fight. I hope you feel well soon. 💕
Ok, now sleep. 😀😴
I had a confrontation with somone tonight. Probably why I'm still awake (not with hubby or daughter) . Oh the joys of life. 😀
I can't sit back and hear/watch things that aren't right. I have to say something. Especially when it concerns my I girl. I'm teaching her not to be a victim (like I WAS )😀

Night 💗
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Re: Far and Away

Yep! I'm with you over there. 😀💕
Wish I was. @Faith-and-Hope 👍🌹🌼
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Re: Far and Away

Ok now it's 1.30am 😮 @Faith-and-Hope 😨😴
Senior Contributor

Re: Far and Away

Hi, saw somewhere you aren't well, it will get better. Go to Europe next time others go to bed early lol. People take dogs on trains in Germany re dogs. Used to see people drinking outside Aldi(yeah everywhere now) ar 8am after buying alcohol there. Went to an 'aussie' bar once, no Aussies there, just east germans ok it was 2000 not long after it ended. I went to a pretty much turkish suburb in berlin, the whole restaurant turned and looked when I ordered in german haha. Lots little memories. Kept a diary. Got pulled of street into police van cos they thought had just robbed a bank, started to get worried when they wouldn't let me go but they did eventually. Anyway woke 1.30 went bed early, rambling 😀
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Re: Far and Away

Feel better soon @Faith-and-Hope, recovery fairy dust coming your way.
@TAB, tell the truth, you really did rob that bank didn't you lol A little envious of your past travels, how lucky you are to have these memories. Stay strong 🙂

Re: Far and Away

lol Cat Tongueit must have been the black therma whatsit beanie my sister gave me that I wearing lol was only the one trip, and was too much of a wussie to stay longer, well uni was starting again , and got another passport that is still blank and only has a few years left on it. there were lots of woulda coulda shouldas .. as in 15years before met a girl in pub in aust, she wanted me to work at her parents pub in England, I just had no concept of doing it, and didn't. just hung around in adelaide doing nothing, der.

yeah lots memories re trip, why didnt I go to Prague for wknd with group I initially went with? well cos was sick of them and preferred roaming around Berlin in dark talking to strangers going to 'nick cave pub' well it was crap/scary lol, meeting people who drove me around until I asked self what's their interest in me and decide that they were gay and meant me no good lol 

loved the food, loved the weather, got a message from some cousin had never heard of and ended up taking train to place never heard of and staying with her *ick of a partner who used to report to her every night on the phone and barely tolerated me ..I told him just before I left after getting abandoned at some hillbilly pub and hearing bits and pieces he was saying to his mates about me. Got my point across. You don't like me, I dont like you, lets just deal with it in best way possible. had the best night when met my cousin, partner got jealy and disappeared, that didnt help, but we got on like a house on fire re her.

Shes a Law Phd now doing some human rights thing, lost contact.

Stayed with my out there auntie who gave me some white wine that she opened prob a year ago, wanted to spit it out, just smiled. Met uncle didnt get on with, loooked too much like my father lol, they had a big dinner with other rels, and just turned into a backstab session, so peter from other side of world put his 4 drink min two cents worth in haha lol

stayed with another auntie in another town, gave her big hints I wanted to go to pub as her kids were both working,oh, you cant do that! so she walked me down to the soccer club and left me there. Cousin had put a tab on for  Tab lol , it got a hiding, me talking to strangers in German . Again,Had been there for nearly 2 months so I was even thinking in German. they went and found me an English guy who had been there for 20 years, I kept talking in German, had to make an a real effort to speak English, took a few minutes. Not saying my German was ever that good, but I sounded like a German apparently, so people would get surpised when they found holes in my vocab/grammar lol

at aunts they kept a carton of beer in the garage on floor, no fridge necess der lol well was february by then, sheese seems like did so much now, as opposed to what have done since. still other bits, saw an East German prison/torture chamber, went to lots of museums with model roman cities, stolen persian treasure etc I did like coming home from language school in first part of trip, to get pork and cabbage kebab and a sixpack, then go to local bar if felt in mood, or wandering around berlin by foot or train by myself. anyhoo, memories, got me going, took my mind off achey bod. Thanks for your thoughts @Former-Member will get thru this crapola next 2 or so days, going to have to 'game' it and lots paracetamol, etc