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Re: about carer's fatigue

@Former-Member thinking of you and sending you calm strong thoughts ... in terms of alleviating anxiety I know Ms M will mostly go to bed and sleep more than she needs to ... also over the counter pain meds - not to excess but I suspect the headaches are all associated with the anxiety ... she did put a list of activities to help her control anxiety and depression on the fridge that she got from her day program - it has more productive ways to deal with her symptoms and she’s is trying to use these ... things like - pat the cat, go for a walk, Phone a friend, and many others I’ve forgotten now ...
Not applicable

Re: about carer's fatigue

Thanks @Mandy1

Mr D is presently missing out on Grow group - think that helps him a bit like the day program might help your Ms M.

I think carer fatigue for me is more an emotional loss of energy rather than a physical one.


Re: about carer's fatigue

Hello @Mandy1 :Heart

Don't know if it is different for blokes , -- I think it is @Former-Member, I find i have to calm him down

Re: about carer's fatigue

@Shaz51 @Former-Member

For me it has been both a physical and emotional loss of energy . Emotional loss (or my perception of) has created cognitive deficiencies for me. 

Not applicable

Re: about carer's fatigue

@Shaz51 @Mandy1@Determined

Today we had a problem and for a while there I felt the strain of being in limbo (feeling we need to move house to make things easier but not feeling right about doing it yet as no clear thoughts on where we could go), I spoke to a support line, I know they could not answer the question for me but I realised that it will sort out eventually in some way. There is a song that I would listen to when I felt things were hopeless but today I felt a strength inside and felt that the words of the song no longer resonated with me.

Re: about carer's fatigue

@Determined what do you mean by cognitive deficiencies? That your ability to think has become fatigued too ?

Re: about carer's fatigue

@Former-Member we moved house a year and a half ago further away from the city to an outer suburb more affordable - upside is affordability- downside is moving house is soooo stressful and triggered manic episode - downside we no longer live near our best friends who were next door - downside we are in a VERY QUIET AREA and I didn’t think how that might impact Ms M being alone at home most days when not functional enough to work ... sometimes I think if we had our choice again I might have chosen a happier cheerier more bustly life filled area where MsM could just step outside and find life happening everywhere ????
Not applicable

Re: about carer's fatigue

That is one of the problems where we are too @Mandy1, we are on a little farmlet but quite rural, nothing in walking distance, so far from services. We moved because he was undiagnosed manic, things have not turned out as he thought. He cannot remember moving as he lost some memories with ECT. I need to let him heal from his recent surgery and take it from there. Finding something meaningful for him to do is part of the problem.

Re: about carer's fatigue

Hi @Mandy1

I think that was a better way of explaining it 🙂


Re: about carer's fatigue

@Former-Member moving is very traumatic and draining for all involved at any time or health status - esp tho absolutely not great when physically injured and mental health to think of - bipolar I guess could easily trigger depression to deepen and or mania to trigger ... sigh feel a bit snookered in this regard myself - trying to make a place feel like home and safe is tough and takes time ... being isolated is tough ... moving is tough .... urghhhh time for a hot chocolate!!!!