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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thanks, @PeppiPatty, love to you. Heart Woman Happy

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

you 2 @Mazarita....

Hope you write more......


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I hope you post more of your writing too, @PeppiPatty Woman Happy

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I'm writing this cool book but I dont think Im allowed to post.....its only notes......

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

dose goes up

nerves dance a



feeling things more

through a static of



living with fear but

doing it anyway


Edit: @PeppiPatty, I was writing that poem just then, when you posted, so missed you, hehe. I'd love to read more of your poetry. Are you doing any of that kind of writing these days?

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I hope I'm not intruding @Silenus

It's 3:30am and I'm in the mood for writing. I too enjoy the written word to out my internal stirrings. I used to journal, though I haven't touched those pages for quite a long time, preferring to dabble on-line instead.

The Lifeline consultant I spoke with earlier helped to identify what ails me; loss of friendships and its grief.

I've been avoiding these feelings of unrest, which in turn creates volcano rumblings. It's been a few months of plodding the house, drinking copious amounts of coffee, getting up late, going to bed late and staring at my untidy kitchen as I pass by in disgust.

I am alone.

By choice? Yes. Better to be in solitude than with deceivers and back slashers. The scars are many and often have had salt rubbed in their rawness before healing could begin.

I can't fathom how easy it is for some to lie and distant themselves from the truth. In all honesty though, I've been lying to myself. I avoid 'me'. Maybe they're just reflecting how I've been towards myself.

Do I push people away? Hmm.. it's possible, even probable if I'm truthful. I needed to write that.

Good therapy session. 🙂 Thanks..

Hope Heart

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

the traffic and the sea

intertwine their sounds

a fruit bat screech

in another register

computer hums its music

while I whisper these words

only one awake here

again in the night.


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Goodnight @Mazarita .... heading off now ....


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Sleep well, @Faith-and-Hope Heart

Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Give way

Give way ghost of the past
Give way I don’t want to be
Your prisoner anymore

They’re standing guard
Won’t they let me go?
Every night they drag me
To the torture chamber
Of memories
Every night they hold me
While I’m trying to break
The chains

They tell me it will get worse
If I fight
They tell me no one believes
They tell me all my attempts
Just make my chains stronger

I scream out loud
I’ll break the chain
I won’t be your prisoner
No longer

But daylight comes
And I see the sun
And I think of all
That would grieve
If I go
If I cut my chains
If I cut out the past
And I promise
To live one more day