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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

I have bipolar disorder and write poetry to help me cope and understand my experiences. Here is one from my recent book. 

Frail Bird

Frail and flapping
its weak wings
trying to fly
away from the

black storm and
the rain comes
in torrents but
the wispy wings

grow stronger
and the bird’s
long flight finds
sunlight streaming

in my window
washing away my
trail of tears
smiling at my

pools of pain
and the frail
bird and I
fly on

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @FrailBirdPoet and welcome to the forums ...... 👋

I love your poem, and I am glad you have landed in a thread of like-minded people. I hope you quickly feel at home here .....

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @FrailBirdPoet, another welcome to the forum. A lovely poem you posted. Thank you for sharing. I hope you will post more over time. This is a place where a few of us on the forum drop by from time to time to leave our 'writing as therapy'. That can be any kind of writing, and there's even a bit of chat sometimes. But perhaps poetry is your main interest. It's a big part of my life, though I only post occasionally here. Feel free to ask if there's anything you'd like to know about how to navigate or use the forum. Welcome again. Smiley Happy

p.s. I have bipolar also.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

prickled nerves

tightened neck

too many thoughts

for only one mind


strange little noises

mice-like burglars

screen glares back

as I shape these signs


Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy


as the darkness lays its heavy coat around me
i feel ugly little memories rise like vampires
sucking the life out of me
one drop at a time
sucking the life out of me
until i forget i’m alive
Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy


the sun rises and wakens the world
birds start chirping and screaming
dogs bark and greet each other
people are heard in cars driving past

it’s mockery, every morning
why don’t you come outside
enjoy the morning sun
enjoy a little walk

i’m tired, dear sun
tired from fighting the darkness
your light and warmth
doesn’t bring the relief it used to

i’m tired, dear sun
just let me lie here
just let me lie here
and forget i’m alive

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @Former-Member

I hope you're finding this thread as a helpful way to express yourself. 

If you need some additional support please reach out to one of the usual help lines or touch base with the SANE Help Centre.

Thinking of you!

Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

the hand

the hand over my mouth
stops me from speaking
stops me from screaming
stops me from asking for help

invisible now but always there
the hand of silence

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Tears falling from my heart
I just don't know where to start
Darkness visits once again
Somehow this pain never ends
It's the lonely feelings
It's the deep dispare
It's the voices saying
You'll never make it anywhere
I crumble beneath the heavy weight
Light has gone it's all to late
Another day dares to dawn
I am feeling so forlorn
Tears falling from my heart
Tearing me apart
It's the lonely feelings
It's the deep dispare
The voices saying
You'll never make it anywhere

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Dear @Mazarita

I felt the neck tightening up, my neck tightening up when I started reading your poem......

Then I began focusing on your love of work.....

Great poem @Mazarita

14718788_10154620742423252_8513557761592096482_n.jpga rose for you....