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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Another day has been spent Living in the abyss Of a tortured man's beliefs

I have realised that the clock never stops and time never runs out which is a really good thing. Because I now know that my spirit life is infinite and my dreams can live forever. The sea breeze never stops pushing the sailing ships. Just as the insanity never leaves the mentally ill.

A bookshelve in the corridor perhaps holds the secrets of life and the mysteries that bewild me. Who knows? A world of lost souls. Talks about times gone bye as if there is a second life.

No spirits bother me. Just like no birds sing at night. The sea is blue. Like the day time sky. The be careful not to be afraid of what lives inside.
Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

As I watch the sun rise
Over the ocean
I listen to the waves
And the birds
I watch the waves
I watch the birds
As I watch the sun rise
I wonder if there will ever be
A sunrise in my heart
As I watch the sun rise
I want to let it all go
And never feel again
Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

You ask me
How I am
And I say
Just what
You say
And I have
No words

No words
To explain
The emptiness
The hopelessness
The fear

And I shake
My head
Not applicable

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Into the dark

Into the dark
In a different time
In a different land
Into the dark I go

The dark holds me
Holds me tight
Won’t let me go
Won’t let me breathe

Into the dark
I fall
I scream
I beg
I dream

Into the dark

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Awake and mentally pacing,

emotions resistant

when they should be sleeping,

instead of this

dark wakefulness,

my habit.

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

What Is It?

What is it, this thing that says I am right?
A pardoning of all my sins.

What is it, this thing that says I am better?
A reason to practice my bigotry.

What is it, this thing that makes me angry?
An easy path to hate.

What is it, this thing that feeds my fear?
A giving away of my power to malign powers.

What is it, this thing of ego?
A self above all else...

What is it, this thing called love?
A quickening and expansion of the soul for all to share.

What is it, this thing called empathy?
Feeling the pain of another and sharing what healing balm you are able to.

What is it, this thing called personal evolution?
A journey of pain and majesty that leads us ever higher.

What is it, this thing of ego?
The ultimate chance to let go of one's self...

Ask what this thing is.
Ask what it is, before you give your life energy to it...

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hello, my lovelies, and I wish a happy new year to those of you who are still confined to a mere four dimensions... hahaha...

Time has never been my strong suit. A memory slightly better than a goldfish means that I always have to re-deduce things from basic principles...

The scientific method, mixed with a very large dose of Zen, helps to maintain the ever Now moment.

I wish I saw time like everyone else, sometimes. I just do not fit into this world at all. But my perception of time is the least of it, really...

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hi @Silenus

A Happy New Year to you.

Always find your posts interesting, glad to see your back in 2018.

Have a good night!


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

It's scary when you are yet to meet anyone as truly 'out there' as you. Imagine that. An entire lifetime can go by, and nobody ever 'gets' you. What a lonely life this is, until you learn that all love must first come from within. Learn to love yourself without the need for any other. Then build on that love, and connect with the love that shines from another...

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Thank you so much @SleepyPanda 🙂

Hugs and happy vibes beaming to you...