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Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

@Meowmy  Enjoy your walk and coffee 👣👣️ Sorry you now have a cold. Take care of yourself and your sore mouth. 🌸🌼🌻

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

My heart aching

My soul in pain

Born this entangled 

So hard deep in

May be I can

Have the strength to live through

Just so fragile

I know not how

Pray to Heaven

Look upon me merciful

Tender life 

So easy to uproot



Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Trembling my breath

Unsettled my being

In darkness

I can't find peace

Lonely and alone in depth of tears

The window higher 


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hey James

Early afternoon

Half a day gone

More challenges to come

Fallen somehow tense

The shadows of darkness 

Memories of your life

Busy and gone so early

Hey brother

My tears need you

In your death I could not find you

Much you didn't do before you left

Left behind your struggles in the sets of chains

Yet I am not free

Breathing still

Each minute a moment of fighting 

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hey James

I feel my frustrations rising

Headache coming

Did you have yours

Your life so fast and gone


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Dear A (my 2yr old granddaughter)


my sweet little angel 

you've lived with us for 8 months

I've loved every single minute you've been here 

you've given me so much love so much happiness and so much support 

without knowing you have helped me with my mental health 

You love saying nonna and running to our bedroom at 6am with your book for me to read or your bunny for cuddles 

I love your cuteness and smiles and your cheekiness 

yiu are so smart you surprise me every single day 

I laugh so much especially when it's bath time and you sneak out and run to me to hide from mumma- oh how much fun we have hiding under a blanket 

you're leaving our home this week to move eith mumma snd daddy to your "housey" 

you'll be in your own room a huge backyard snd a concrete strip to ride your little bikie 

I've had tears all day knowing I won't wake up eith you to share my breakfast or watch the wiggles or you msking me a "tea party"

it won't be the same my little A 😢

😘😘❤️❤️ nonna xxxxxx

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hey James

The evening sets in

It gets dark

I am in tears again

The same trap

Do you hear me

The callings of my heart

My brother

How life sets us apart

The sadness not ending

I fear for my life 


Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy


of the shackles of the past


of the pain that seems to last 


of the daily struggle to cope


of trying to have some hope

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy



I loved you

I missed you

I wanted to be with you 




I don't hate you

I don't miss you

I don't want to see you




The opposite of love is indifference 

And that's all you deserve

No forgiveness

Erased out of my life


You're not my brother anymore

Re: Writing As A Form Of Therapy

Hugs @Former-Member ❤️

this could have been written to my brother. 
exsctly what you wrote