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Looking after ourselves

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Yes, but this sort of Miracles causes Clutter - instead of Decluttering....

Daily best funny memes and pictures - Day #67 - BreakBrunch

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

hello @Adge , @Former-Member  @Faith-and-Hope@Smc@Determined@greenpea@Jacques@Mrsjones 

today we mowed 2 lawns , our lawn ,trimmed our bushes 

@Former-Member, my veranda glass table is totally cleared and cleaned 

vaccummed the house 

tired now but happy 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Well done @Shaz51 


Trying a few different tactics that Sis may be able to use down the track to self motivate in her decluttering aspirations.


Did a 3 minute tidy up this evening,  her kitchen bench is still very cluttered but is looking noticeably better from a week ago. It is surprising what can be put away in a dedicated short burst.


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Heyo Peoples. 🙂

I'm trying to find a way of making enough space for our Younger Daughter to do her online dance classes. She's reluctant to join in with them at the moment, but I think a big part of that is not having a suitable space. The only room in our house that actually has carpet is completely cluttered up.

To move things out of there, I need to make space in a bedroom to shift some things into their rightful places. Said bedroom is also cluttered up... largely with unwanted clothes and other items that said daughter had taken out of her room and dumped in there... hmmm!

SO today I was hauling clothes out of there and into the laundry. Once I've washed them, I'll check them over and see if I can pass the good ones on to other people in town. Donating to op shops isn't an option when they're closed, but with unnecessary shopping trips being discouraged, people might appreciate having a bagful of clean clothes dropped off at their gate in a no-personal-contact manner.

And once that room is sorted out and clean, it's earmarked to be our bedroom... then hopefully the one we're in now can be sorted and cleaned... and so on it goes... hopefully. 🙂


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Pleased to report some more progress at my sister's place with some surfaces a little less cluttered and a few more items in the "to go" bag. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance


You are not alone when it comes to struggling to get housework done. Please do feel free to join in this discussion thread where we gently encourage each other to tackle our problem areas. Please don't be put off by a few of us oldies who are regular contributors (it is an ongoing battle for some of us), we would love to hear about any successes you have in this department no matter how small.  Even getting the dishes done can be an achievement on some days.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

hello @Myself1 , @Former-Member , @Smc@Adge@Faith-and-Hope@Determined@Mrsjones

well our house is looking a bit cleaning 

not much clearing yet as the op shop is shut 

Our D1 was clearing her place and placed it at the back in a bag , later she had found it all wet from a very naughty big dog of their`s 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Heyo @Shaz51. I've been washing a whole lot of Younger Daughter's unwanted or outgrown clothes. Some are too worn or stained for the op shops, but I'm putting aside the good ones, and I'm going to ring up a local organisation that helps out mums and kids who are at risk of homelessness, often due to DV. Given that's a rising problem at the moment, and often there's not time to pack a case before leaving, they may well need extra clothes on hand. If they can't use them, I'll try another couple of local support agencies... if no-one needs them, I'll store them somewhere safe and dry until whenever.


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

that sounds like a great idea @Smc 

i will let my fingers do the walking and find out some local services hereHeart

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I am pulling this place into shape and it feels sooooo good.  Bonus is that it's actually looking and feeling bigger, just by moving the furniture about.

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