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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

This afternoon's effort in the garden.

There is 3 good sized trailer loads in that.

And another pile sorted for the shredder.


The middle pIle is from yesterday.

Went out to tidy up from yesterday's effort and got carried away lol.

Has been nice being outside as a family. 






Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

ha ha yesssss @Former-Member 

I should of done something and end up doing nothingSmiley LOL

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I've done a bit of both today- decluttering interspersed with vegging out on the computer. 😛

I've sorted through a couple of washing baskets that have been sitting around. Some of it's put away, some I still need to do, but at least it's sorted into "what's what".

Also did a bit of a pantry clean out and inventory. As well as tossing anything that's beyond it and tidying up, I'm making a list of what's in there and putting an asterisk next to anything that needs to be used up ASAP. It's a large pantry, and more or less arranged into food types, so I'm going to do it a bit at a time. Today was beans, grains and pasta/noodles and suchlike. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I swept the whole house this morning - lots of dust came out of corners.

Then I cleaned out 3 Aviary Seed Hoppers - discovered mostly chaff, not enough pure seed.

So filled up Seed Hoppers (took about 6 Kg of Birdseed) - then realised that I really did need all that extra Birdseed, that I just bought.

The Silver Lining came, when out for ATM ($$ for Bill) - saw shopper coming out with Toilet Paper.

Went straight up to Toilet Paper aisle, bought last packet of Toilet Paper (8 pack) & Soap - the 1st available Toilet paper I've seen since 4 weeks ago....

Soap has not been available either.


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Bravo @Adge,  

Getting jobs done = yay

Getting the last 8 pack and some soap = double yay



Every job = one step closer to your goals = hooray

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Adge, I had the same experience with loo paper the other day. There was one pallet right in the back corner of the supermarket, and people were quickly grabbing a bag or two... no fighting, but an oddly furtive atmosphere.... "Quick, let's get ours before anyone else sees it!" Weird.

I just wanted one pack so that we had enough to have the option of bunkering down. I got it. The people who saw me standing in line at the register and asked where I got it probably missed out. 😞

We use the plain yellow laundry soap most of the time, and it doesn't seem to sell out as fast. Maybe people don't think of looking in the "Laundry" aisle. Younger Son, who has now moved out of home, is allergic to the perfumes they put in other soaps. And it's cheap, effective, is good for handwashing clothes, washing the dishes, and personal hygeine, so we've continued using it. I keep a few bars of nice smelly soap for the shower.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Thought specifically of you @Faith-and-Hope , but also @Shaz51  and @Smc 


My sister has a natty idea for keeping her ball of string tangle free - she has it in a teapot in a similar fashion to using one for knitting yarn. A terrific idea for a teapot that does not pour so well.

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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Thank you @Former-Member ..... I will remember that for my teapots.  

I have also used those coffee supper cups where the lid has a swivel top to open and close the drinking hole ....... if you remove that top it leaves a hole in the lid, and the ball of string can sit in the cup to feed through the hole.



Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I sorted through a pile of bill statements - then threw most out.

There's more where that came from.

Got my Flu Vac shot (it came in early).
